In reading my quotes from my Zig Ziglar Zingers today I came across one which I think says a lot about becoming the best.  It says, “He who will not learn from anyone but himself has a fool for a teacher”.   

In order to become the best my belief is that I must learn from others who have gotten there and that are the best at what they do.  Anthony Robbins is a huge proponent of studying those that are the best at what they do and then replicate what they do to be the best.  I’m a true believer in this philosophy. 

Zig’s quote says it all.  From the day we are born we begin to mimic and follow others.  Choose wise those that you follow.  Think about what you want to accomplish.  Do you have your goals documented?  If so, then pull them out today and review where you are going.  From there think about those around you who can help you reach those goals.  

I hope that this helps you in thinking about reaching to be the best and developing your plan.

Remember written goals without acting on those goals are just words.